If you have 500 apks file together, you can install them at the same time as the manual one by one installation of Android apps will consume much of your time.
Since its quick process, it does require to have the adb shell on your Android mobile phone. Here is the process by which we get the adb shell access on your Android.
Gain ADB Shell Access
Gaining shell access on your android mobile phone using Android Adb can be useful and handy in many situations. There are many ways in which you can gain access to command prompt – telnet, terminal, windows command prompt and recover mode.
Here is one quick way to use the Command prompt in Windows-
- Connect your mobile phone through USB on to your Windows computer and make sure you have loaded all the drivers of the mobile phone perfectly.
- You need to download the SDK and unzip to your computer.
- Open the command prompt in your computer (Press WinKey + R and then type CMD for users in Windows 7).
- Navigate to the SDK tools folder through the command prompt, generally its ………SDK\android-sdk-windows-1.5_r3\tools.
- Type ADB devices to see the phone connection and if no devices appear, means that you haven’t installed drivers perfectly and you need to do that.
- Once it’s done you would be connected to your phone through PC and can execute adb commands.
Mass Install Android Apps
After you get the Adb Shell access, you need to follow the steps mentioned below -
- Connect your phone to the computer using the USB or microUSB connection.
- Open an adb shell session from your PC.
- Now navigate to the folder where you have the mass APKs and Apps.
- Type the following now:
for %f in (*.apk) do adb install “%f”or if you want to have the app installed on SDcard then:
adb push “folder of apps” /system/sd/app
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